Friday, May 28, 2010

Day out Shopping and Pizza Hut

We went out on the town and went to the 15 story shopping center. They had really nice clothes and Holly bought a shirt. They had high end clothes and I know all you girls would have spent 2 days in this place. Jake and I were ready to go in 20 minutes. We found a Pizza Hut and went in to eat lunch. The Pizza Hut was like a 4 star restaurant with nice plates and waitresses, they had a full menu and we had a pizza that was really good. Jake ate and was well behaved. I pushed the stroller (empty) while Holly carried Jake the entire time. We put Jake in the stroller on the walk back and he screamed and threw a fit and all of the Chinese people were looking at us like we were killing him. I wanted to leave him there screaming, but Holly picked him up and he stopped immediately. He's really becoming attached to Holly, if she goes in the bathroom and he can't see her he starts to cry. He really could give a shit if I leave the room. We're suppose to go to Beijing in the morning by train and go to the Great Wall and Forbidden City. We will stay in Beijing until Tuesday and fly to Guangzhou for the rest of the stay (if all works out with Jake's passport???) We'll try to update tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Glad you steered clear of the monkey meat Big Macs! Sounds like any typical 2 year old in a stroller! Or like any of us at a party... Holly leaves and we're wondering, "Where'd Holly go?" Then we round the corner and say, "Oh, Jason's here?" Just kidding if course! We love you both exactly the same but different ;)


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